Ebook Who was Jesus? của Ellen Morgan là một cuốn sách khá thú vị mà KindleSaigon muốn chia sẻ tới các bạn trong chuyên mục Ebook hay miễn phí.

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Thêm một bổ sung hấp dẫn cho sê-ri Who Was? (Mục sách bán chạy nhất trên tạp chí NewYork Times). Thay vì giải thích các câu hỏi về thần học, tác giả trình bày cho các độc giả trẻ tuổi một cuốn tiểu sử bao gồm những gì được biết trong lịch sử về Chúa Giê-su và những nơi trong cuộc đời của ngài trong bối cảnh thế giới của ngài khi Giê-ru-sa-lem là một phần của Đế chế La Mã. Bằng những câu chuyện dễ hiểu và dễ đọc, tác phẩm được minh họa bằng tám mươi hình vẽ đen trắng cũng giải thích nguồn gốc ban đầu của Cơ đốc giáo và cách nó trở thành một tôn giáo lớn."


Tên ebook

Who was Jesus?

Tác giả

Ellen Morgan

Thể loại

Thiếu Nhi

Nhà xuất bản

Tạp chí New York Times

Đánh giá về tác phẩm

Đánh giá trên Amazon: 4.8 / 5 sao

"My 9 year old read this books and he loved it! I do think it should be called “Who is Jesus?” instead of “Who Was Jesus?”.
He has risen, just as he said :)" - Độc giả Travis Cornish

Đánh giá trên Christianbook: 4 / 5 sao

"I bought a "slightly damaged" copy of this book at a very low cost out of curiosity. I lead our children's ministry at our church. I have taught and worked with children of all ages for over 40 years. This book is part of a secular series about famous historical figures. Overall the book accurately follows the Biblical account of Jesus's life. The black and white illustrations are historically correct and interesting for children in the age range for the book.


As stated above the black and white illustrations are excellent.

Most of the Biblical information is correct.

The account of Jesus' death is accurate and well done.

An extra box about Easter explains that Jesus died for sin.


Occasional Biblically inaccurate commentary, see below.

Conclusion: For the price, this is a well done and well illustrated Biblical story of Jesus, with the exceptions noted. If this can work for you, this is a nice resource.

Occasionally the author adds what I consider commentary and the comments do not lineup with biblical truth. The worst one is when she is describing Jesus overthrowing the temple tables. The author concludes the chapter by saying, "This time at the Temple is one of the only instances in the New Testament where he (Jesus) loses his temper." To say Jesus "loses his temper" is not Biblically accurate. If Jesus lost his temper, he would have sinned. We know this is not possible because Hebrews 4:15 states, "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Another commentary which is inaccurate is when she is talking about John baptizing Jesus. She states, "This ceremony was called 'baptism'. It was a way to show that a person's sins were being washed away. " Hebrews 9: 14 states, "And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission." Therefore, it is impossible for water baptism alone to wash away sins. John the Baptist was a prophet with no power to forgive sin. Finally, in describing The Wise Men, she makes the common mistake of stating that there are 3 wise men. Nowhere in the Bible does it state how many wise men there are. There may have been 2 or 20- we don't know! The Bible does name 3 gifts and this is why traditionally, three wise men are pictured." - Độc giả Julia E 

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